Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Michie's New Bag

Since the colors for Project Spectrum 2.o : February & March are Blue, White, & Grey, I crocheted Michelle a bag. I used the same yarn as the Teddy Bear sweater, then felted it. Her bag is big enough for her to carry toys around in but not TOO big that she trips over it or drags it on the floor.

I am now crocheting a Teddy Bear with Blue Lion Microspun for Jacob Michael.

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Project Spectrum 2.0 : February & March Pt 4

I have finished the sweater for Hershey, Michelle's Build-a-Bear dog. A black Teddy Bear is modeling it for you in the picture. The sweater is a 3-6 month size, which was the smallest size in the directions.

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Monday, February 12, 2007

Project Spertrum 2.0 : February & March pt 3

I am making good progress on the sweater. Here are the body panels and one of the sleeves. If I would have know this sweater was so easy to knit up I would have planned another project. To block the panels I pinned them down with stright pins onto a Press & Cut mat. The sleeve goes all the way to the end but that's okay. Then I put the iron on low heat and steamed over the panels, hopefully the edges will not curl in so much now. I'm knitting up the second sleeve, then it's time to piece together.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Project Spectrum2.0 : February & March Pt 2

I have started my sweater from Debbie Bliss' Simply Baby. It looks like an easy sweater to knit. However the instructions do not call for blocking. I;m thinking that blocking would be a good thing. That way the seams line up right. Since I didnt notice that the sweater only went up to the 12-18 month size, I'm knitting the smallest size for Michelle's Build A Bear dog. The buttons are on the shoulders of hte sweater and it is for a stuffed toy. Now to figure out how to put the buttons on along with some velcro, that way she will be able to "dress" Hershey (that's the dog's name).

About 4 inches of the front pannel in Stockinette stitch.
Stripes are 2 rows wide and the bottom is done in Garter stitch.