Wednesday, August 16, 2006

HELP!! Knitting in the Round

As you know I finished a scaft. I have desided to add a pair of mittens and hat to the scarf. So I went and bought the needles I needed to knit both the mittens and the hat. First I tried the mittens on the double point needle...yeah that was frustration. So after putting the size 5 double points away I got out the size 11 circular needle to try my hand at the hat. After multipule attempts I put the circulare needle away and went back to my straight needles and projects that are flat. The instruction book that came with my knitting kit was not very helpful on knitting in the round. However I do have the book Anne recomended in my Amazon basket wawiting to be ordered. I might go out to Books-A-Million and get the book instead of waiting.

If anyone has any more books to recomend OR just suggetion on knitting in the round the help would be very apperciatad.


Anonymous said...

The book that I recommended was the one that finally got me to where I understood the concept, from there it was just a little bit of practice.

If needbe I can show you when y'all come down here. Good luck!

Sally said...

I guess you particularly want to use that pattern? You might check to see if it is possible to knit it "flat" and sew a seam when it is done. There are tons of patterns online, and in books, that do that. There is also a ton of instructional info online, that might be of help. I will email and send some links.