Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I finished my first pair of socks. The one on the left is the one I made while in Lufkin with Aunt Jo's help. The one on the right is the one I made after we got back home. There are some small mistakes in the right one but that's okay they are for Michelle.
I got the directions from Knitting Help. They are the Childlren's Slipper Socks. The onlky thing wrong with the directions is when you get ready to start the heel. I found that the wawy they explain the instep and sole is not correct, but the rest of the corections are correct.


Sally said...

They look great, Christine!

Joanna said...

Way to go Christine! They look great, you are a quick learner! I predict bigger nad better next ..... I'm here in Houston with Russell, but headed hom in the morning. It was great meeting you in person in Lufkin. Keep blogging... Aunt Jo