Friday, January 25, 2008

Learning to Spin

For Christmas I received a high whorl drop hand spindle. It is very beautiful and the hand painted design on the top is gorgeous. I also got the book "Spinning in the Old Way" by Priscilla A. Gibson-Roberts. The book is VERY informative and full of illustrations. My problem, I'm just not grasping it.

Maybe this is going to be one of those I need to see it in SLOW motion to get it or it could be that I'm left handed and that is posing a problem. Who know with me. I'm "backwards" so that may just be my problem.

Here is my beautiful spinner.


Sally said...

Don't worry, I am sure you will "get it" eventually! Bring it with you when you come, and we will see if one (or more) of us can help you out!

Joanna said...

I ditto that, bring your spindle and we will all help you!