Felted Needle Holder
I really like the needle holder but I don't like the way the needles are in there. My goal was to be able to put my Double Pointed Needles in it that way they where seperate from my straights. Not to mention this one is only 17 inches by 10 inches before felting. The pattern came in one of my weekly newsletters I get in my email. So I went to Knit Picks and picked out 7 colors that would work. As seeing Lion Wool comes in very large skeins and this is a small project I didn't want to have a bunch of extra wool left over.
Now the challenge is to figure out some sort of a pocket storage system for the DPNs. I was thinking about sewing some fabric to the inside and putting the pockets in that way, but I dont know how well sewing fabric to something felted would work.
Fabric to felt should work fine, just knit a piece as long as you want, wide enough that you can fold over a pocket once it's felted. Felt it, sew a piece of fabric down, flip the pocket up and run some lines to separate it with your machine. Easy peasy, and it should look nicer.
ditto what Anne said, no problem at all sewing to the felt ..... just be aware of thickness ..... it might be just as good to make another one like this one, felt it, sew in a fabric pocket-like lining, sew your dividers and ta da ... done. Was this a Lion Brand pattern?
yeah it's a Lion Pattern. It came from the December Kid's Knit news letter. Now that i've desided to do the color spectrum, i think I'm going to change the colors so i cna get it to fit in one of the catagories.
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