Friday, December 29, 2006

Stitch markers

We went to Hobby Lobby to look at yarn and kntting suff. While Brian was looking at the trains and accesories I got the idea to made some beaded stitch markers from the jewlery isle, not to mention it was 50% off. I made 8 stitch markers from earrings and a little bit of wire, along with some braclet charms. Sorry Anne, they didnt have penguins, but I'll keep looking. From left to right: round blue beads with silver ends, square blue beads, frogs, and blue and green turtles.

Thursday, November 30, 2006


Socks. What can I say about socks?? Well for one they are addictive and fun to make. I actually got the bright idea to come up with my own sock pattern after looking at 3 different patterns. At the moment I am taking a break from the socks. I just finished my second dish cloth and have started a hat for Zack to go with his scarf.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

It's a sock, It's a mitten and a Bib

Here is the directions to my latest project. I found it really cool that the socks would also work for baby mittens. It took me abouta day to do the mitten part. Then I made an I Cord and attached it to the inside at the row under the fringe. I made the hat a long time ago and go the directions from Knitting Help My second project was a baby bib. I came up with my own pattern for the bib after looking online at some of the patterns.

Baby Bib with Ribbing

Materials: size 8 needles, Cotton worsted weight yarn, 1/2 to 5/8 inch button

Cast on 30 stitches
Row 1: Knit 2, Purl2, alternating till the end of the row, ending on a knit.
Row 2 & 3: repeat Row 1.
Row 4: Knit 2, Purl2, Knit 22, Purl 2, Knit 2. Repeat this row until bib is about 6 inches long.
Finishing: Knit rows 1,2, & 3 again to finish. Knit 5 stitche and place on a stitch holder. Cast off/ bind off 20. Knit the remaining 5 stitches until about 4 inches long. Bind off and put button on. Pick up the 5 stitches off of the stitch holder. knit until about 3 inches long.
button Hole Row: Knit 2, Yarn Over, Knit 2 together, knit one. Knit 5 rows and repeat button hole row. Knit 5 more rows and repeat button hole row. After the 3rd button hole row knit 2 rows and bind off.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I finished my first pair of socks. The one on the left is the one I made while in Lufkin with Aunt Jo's help. The one on the right is the one I made after we got back home. There are some small mistakes in the right one but that's okay they are for Michelle.
I got the directions from Knitting Help. They are the Childlren's Slipper Socks. The onlky thing wrong with the directions is when you get ready to start the heel. I found that the wawy they explain the instep and sole is not correct, but the rest of the corections are correct.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Matching Set

I made the wallet and change purse ealier and desided that they needed something to go in . So I went to Knitting Help and checked out there free patterns. The Pattern actually came from Frugal Knitting Haus. After I figured out the differance between knit and purl life was very very good. It took me about a week to get the purl and knitting in the round down. After that it was just remember ing to count and not get distracted.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

HELP!! Knitting in the Round

As you know I finished a scaft. I have desided to add a pair of mittens and hat to the scarf. So I went and bought the needles I needed to knit both the mittens and the hat. First I tried the mittens on the double point needle...yeah that was frustration. So after putting the size 5 double points away I got out the size 11 circular needle to try my hand at the hat. After multipule attempts I put the circulare needle away and went back to my straight needles and projects that are flat. The instruction book that came with my knitting kit was not very helpful on knitting in the round. However I do have the book Anne recomended in my Amazon basket wawiting to be ordered. I might go out to Books-A-Million and get the book instead of waiting.

If anyone has any more books to recomend OR just suggetion on knitting in the round the help would be very apperciatad.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The scarf of aggony

Here are a few of my latest projects. The one on the top is a matching change purse and wallet done with two strands of acrylic worsted weight soft blue and lavender.

The one on the bottom is the scarf from....well you know. It was not an easy project to finish up as seeing it would not stop curling up into a tube shape. Thanks to Anne and the iron it now lays flat. The scarf is also made from Acrylic worsted weight. It is soft blue and soft green.

Since I have finished the scarf, I am going to move on to a chrochet project. I found some yarn that I bought while we where still in Germany, which is going to be turned into a baby blanket for Becky and the newest member of the family. :) I hope to get a good bit of the blanket done while I spend 2 days in the car going to Ohio to see the family.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Beer Cozy

Since Football season is getting ready to start I figured this would be a fun project to make. The Beer Cozy has a level 3 difficulty (according to Knit Knack By Kris Percival)

You will need:

  • 1 ball (100 grams) acrylic worsted weight yarn OR 2 balls scrap yarn (1 ounce each) for a striped cozy.
  • 4 size 6 double point kneedles
  • Scissors <-- duh!
  • yarn kneedle
  • row counter is optional
  1. Cast on 32 stitches onto one kneedle. Divide the stitches among 3 of the needles, with 12,12, and 8.
  2. Join the stitches in a circle and work 5 rounds in knit 2 , perl 2 ribbing.
  3. Work the next 14 rows in stockinette stitches (knit only since you are working in the round). If you want to make a stripe around the cozy, attach the second color beginning at row 9 and return to the first color at the begining of row 17.
  4. work 5 rows in knit 2, purl 2 ribbing.
  5. Bind off, and weave in loose ends with the yarn needle.
*Inprovisation Ideas: Knit the cozy on your favorite team's colors. You can also personalize it by cross-stitching an initial on the front.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Cause of the bug

As you know I have been bitten by the knitting bug recently. The cause of said bug came from receiving a Knit picks catalog in the mail. I got looking through at some of the patterns and books they offer and decided to give it a try. I have also found a really nice set of needle, but they are $59.99. I guess I'll have to save for them or stick them on my Christmas/Birthday List. As for now trips to the Wal-Mart craft department are keeping happily occupied.

Along with doing some knitting, I have began to crochet a baby blanket for Becky's newest arrival. I had some variegated yarn that I bought in Germany to make a blanket with and never go to it before we moved. Now that Michelle is older and can "entertain" herself for short amounts of time I can work on different craft projects.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Learning is Half the Fun

I have desided to learn how to knit. I have see all of the wonderful things everyone has been making and it also looks like fun.

Michelle and I went to Books-A-Million on Sunday and we came home with a knitting starter kit. All I had to do was supply the yarn. Which wasn't too hard. I had some left over from an attempted quilt venture that didn't go as planned.

On Monday Michelle and I make a supply run to get some more yarn and some other small things to get me going in my knitting adventures. I picked up 5 skews of worsted weight yarn and 2 small "balls" of worsted weight Peaches & Cream Lemon-Lime. I made my change purse out of the worsted weight Lemon-Lime since it was the only multi-colored yarn i have.

After I finish the cell phone case in Aggies color, I'm going to make a wallet and a purse to go with the change purse I made. I'll have to go and get some buttons and a zipper so I can make my purse. I have some fabric out of my stash that hase little yellow tulips buds on it that I am going to use as a liner for my purse. Instead of trying to make a button hole for the purse I am just going to put a flap on it to cover up the zipper or I might just meet up the two ends at the top where the zipper is going. Who knows we'll see what strikes me when the time comes.